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Sunday, December 28, 2008

one oldie but goodie favorite.

russ taff, from way back in the day, "take my hand."

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

nothing like today

more thinking...
and realizing that today in this moment, these seconds that tick by will never happen again. they've never happened before, and they never will again. memories we've got will never ever happen over again. just like today.
makes me think about what really matters. makes me tend to forget about that driver who failed to signal that he was turning.. causes me to absorb the lyrics sung by that radio, look people in the eyes, gaze out the window and breathe in the beauty of God's world around. what's God up to today? at this moment? what's He thinking about those eyes i just noticed? about that music? about that driver?
what really matters? ...because there will never be anything like today.

Friday, December 12, 2008


okay, cheers and merry holiday and stuff...

you're all wrong. julie and i got our tree up and decorated last weekend. the cats are already eating ornaments (and lights) and sipping fine tree-water.

we're poor and got a smallish tree. turns out our apartment is smallish and we've got a smallish little cove that was made for our smallish tree. sure smells good.

merry almost-Christmas, peoples!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

"less of chuck..."

thinking this morning... relax, i know it's dangerous, but this is a nice thinking...

about an old buddy of mine... here's the visual: ------->

his name's chuck. kind of a large dude; i met him at Surfer's Chapel out in Huntington Beach about a zillion years ago... i think he was one of the first people i went surfing with. he had a surfboard that most people thought was big enough for two... he had a style of surfing that kind of flowed, kind of flopped, and he even had his own moves-- like the rear step-off, an arm-waving ballet-looking thing that made you wonder if he had hurt himself.

chuck would surf just about every day, and most days (especially if the sun was out), he'd "trunk it." no wetsuit. in 60-degree water, you'd see chuck out there before work, parked on that huge board of his, waiting for his one or two waves.

chuck's a quiet guy; i guess he enjoyed his moments of morning silence and (mostly) stillness... his bible was one of those big things that looked like it had been through the war; a sign that the guy wasn't falling apart inside.

so that's chuck.

i was thinking about old chuck this morning... one of the things i remember most about chuck was this phrase he used to say all the time: "more of Jesus, less of chuck." again, here's the visual...
and i was just remembering how perfect that was. ...and is. and how often i need to apply chuck's wisdom to myself. more of Jesus, less of james.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


so jb brushes with mashed potatoes.
just kidding.

she's got two. one's one of those fancy-pancy electronic things that scares little kids and cats and stuff like that. and she's got a normal one that doesn't require much intelligence to use (for use first thing in the morning when there's not much brainspace available...)

but she'd like to thank all 9 of you who thoughtfully placed votes. you're all brilliant. ...well, most of you, anyway.